Turning problems into possibilities

There is a riverside park in Guelph, Ontario, where once every year the city drains the river. It is amazing what remains behind- tyres, rusty shopping trolleys, beer cans, car fenders and even a urinal! They invite the community to clean up the riverbed- all these items get piled high into a mountain of rubbish lining the riverbanks. They could dispose of it, but instead   the city commissions sculptors to make masterpieces out of the junk. What some see as rubbish, artists transform into ornate, beautiful sculptures along the banks of the river. 

To many in South Africa, the problems can feel overwhelming. It may feel like our country’s river has been drained and all we can see is a huge pile of rubbish. But the park is beautiful. We cannot give up hope. What is our part? 

Are you part of the clean-up operation? I know many people who have made tough, sacrificial choices to play their part in fighting injustice, corruption, crime, and maladministration. We thank you.

Are you one of the sculptors? Making something beautiful out of the mess- igniting hope through job creation, through building community and through investing in individual lives. We thank you. 

We pray that those feelings of overwhelm may spur you into action. No matter your age or financial status, you can play your part. Maybe you have opportunities to transform systems and structures on a macro level. For many, your impact will be in daily acts- showing empathy for the cashier and car guard, assisting the frail, giving someone the honour of a job- whether for a day or a year, supporting the person selling something on the streets… 

And who knows what kind of sculpture will result. Perhaps you could start in some small way today. It starts with me.


Sma Mlawu had a dream.


I am proud to be maladjusted